Are you gluten free? Are you on Twitter?
If your answer to both is yes, you're part of a new, growing network of gluten free people who have discovered Twitter, the micro-blogging site. Simply searching the word Gluten Free will find you a sea of people you already follow here in the blogosphere!
And if you're not -- get thee to Twitter and join the revolution.
In a nutshell, Twitter is a micro-blogging site where you answer the question, "What are you doing?" It's like a mini Facebook status update, but most people use it for so much more. We promote goods, products, information, services -- you name it.
I admit I didn't get it at first, but now my senior PR classes are all on Twitter, and it's an integral part of my communication structure. I'm even going to a whole event to make me a better user of social media because of Twitter!
10 days ago, I had a wonderful experience there when Bonnie Sayers of @AutismFamily held a a gluten-free "Tweet up" with three panel discussions on gluten-free living throughout the day.There was great lively discussion all day and into the night (I was online until after midnight!) PLUS there were some great giveaways! I won a case of cereal that I will be blogging about here as soon as I try it!
As a result, I'm now following more gluten-free people than ever! I love this, as we discuss what we're cooking, what we're trying, and what we're reading in 140 characters or fewer every day.
A lot of my blogger buddies listed here are on there -- Kate Chan, Gluten-Free Steve, Ginger of the North (Fresh Ginger), Gluten Free Sox, Gluten Free Shaolin, Seamaiden, Ginger Lemon Girl, Karina of Karina's Kitchen/Gluten Free Goddess, and even the Gluten Free Girl, Shauna James Ahern-- they're all on there. In a sense, it's another way to grow us closer together on a topic we're all passionate about -- gluten free living.
The gluten-free community on Twitter also features a number of parents who have children who are GFCF because of autism. While this doesn't apply to my Jeffrey, I support them in their search for an alleviation of their condition.
If you're not on Twitter, give it a try -- you'll find a whole new world of gluten freedom on there.
Oh, and when you get there, follow me! GingerCM, at your service.
Much love, Ging
Yay! Now I can follow your action on Twitter, too!
great post on twitterville Ging!! I am LOVING twitter! It's so addictive!! An instant connection to gf friends and neighbors!! I think it's so neat that you have integrated it into your communications classes! Love it!! You go girl!! How's your diet going??
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