Suffice it to say that because of something in my system, I've got horribly low B-12, which might be something called pernicious anemia, because my addled stomach isn't producing something called intrinsic factor. There are B-12 shots in my future at the very least.
Oh, and I'm fresh outta hormones, so now I'm on pills and stuff. Yay for hormones. (reminds me of a dirty joke...but not here. not now.)
But God bless Catherine Roberts, my internist. She takes good care of me. And God bless Marison San Inocencio, my gyno. I am happy still to be in the care of two such wonderful women. Much love to you!
Sigh. All this confusion explains my absence since grades were due. I've had three doctor appointments and 10 vials of blood drawn. Tomorrow I have an endoscopy at the hospital in Atlanta. Thankfully, Daddy and Mary are putting up with us. I'm also glad I set the alarm...

I had a lovely GF Christmas Meetup of my very own Saturday night -- with Lori from the Delphi Celiac Forum, and Julie from Outback. I was so happy to have the chance to eat and talk GF with people who give a damn. It's so refreshing to know that the food before me won't make me sick. It didn't. I enjoyed every minute of it.
And once again, SHOUTOUT at the top of my GF lunch to Crossville Roswell Outback and Julie and Tom and the crew. Lori said she had a coaster that said, of the coconut shrimp, "If you love them so much, you should marry them." I think I am at least engaged to the GF coconut shrimp, but I also bought and froze a GF Bloomin' Onion for later. Lori and I also strolled the Trader Joe's for GF goodies.
So -- the clown fish above is a replacement of the picture of Lori and me. I had a blast!
Much love, and more later,
Well, gosh...keep us posted. We will get those prayers going now.
10 vials!?! We're going to have to started donating in your name if they take any more. :)
I hope you start feeling better. A little time off will be nice. Any chance you're coming to Texas?
Find a way to get that B 12 back into your system! That's the "happy vitamin." You'll be needing some happiness for the holidays.
I love the little clown fish. They look like they have little Santa hats on. My boyfriend's nephew manages at our Outback in Evansville,In and yes when an Outback restaurant does gluten-free right it does make everything seem right in the world. Good luck with the anemia. The fatigue is probably the worst thing that usually comes with it. Now would be a good time to enjoy time off and gear up for the next semester. Your too important to your students. Take care and continue to enjoy your Christmas. Tonya
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