Adventures in Gluten (and Sugar) Freedom from a southern blogger chick!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A Papa-licious Pie (A Sunday Blessing, a few days late)

Jeffrey and I were blessed to spend Father's Day Weekend with my Daddy in Atlanta. We had a great time. Mostly, I cooked a lot, trying to get Mary to rest her knees. It was a lovely visit!

Daddy and I also took Jeffrey to Camp Big Heart on Sunday. It is his favorite time of year. He has been attending this camp, run by the Civitan Club, since 1999. Hard to believe it's his 10th visit!)

Saturday morning, I went to the Morningside Organic Market and got some beautiful local produce. They had baby candy-cane (striped) beets, beautiful baby pattypan squash, and organic sunflowers. As I know my Daddy loves sunflowers, I bought him a big bunch for Father's Day.

For dinner, I made the Freakin' Awesome Tropical Chicken on the grill with grilled fresh pineapple slices. Daddy was the grill master. I took the marinade and cooked it down, making a chutney-like topping. I highly recommend it this way.

I also roasted the beets and made Fresh Beet Salad. I took the beet greens, which were young and tender, and sauteed them with onions and garlic. They were also delicious. We also had wild rice and roasted squash as side dishes, along with a beautiful fresh tomato. What a bounty that dinner was. YUMMY.

For dessert, we had a Fresh Blackberry Crumble Pie, which was also delicious. I call it my "Papa-licious Pie" because I made it for the best Papa (to Jeffrey) and Daddy (to me) in the whole world.

Fresh Blackberry Crumble Pie (The Papa-licious Pie)

One pie crust, either from Whole Foods, or homemade
One quart blackberries, washed and drained (or mixed berries, raspberries, blueberries, or strawberries - your choice)
3 tablespoons of sugar
1 tablespoon of cornstarch


2 tablespoons brown sugar Splenda
1 cup GF whole oats
1/2 cup GF flour mix (or baking mix)
1 cup chopped pecans
1/2 cup softened butter

Mix the blackberries with the sugar and cornstarch and place in the pie crust. Mix the "topping mix" together until it is crumbly and moist. Place it on top of the blackberries.

Bake the pie until the crust is golden, at 350 degrees, for about 45 minutes to one hour. Do not let the crumble mix burn.

Serve with whipped cream or ice cream while warm.

Much love, and more pie!


Bill said...

Don't you know you shouldn't tease a pregnant woman with such tasty sounding recipes? I'm starving for some Papa-licious Pie now.

Gluten Free Steve said...

Blackberry pie, that sounds de-lish!

Carly said...

YUMMY! This recipe sounds excellent. Ive never had much luck with pies, but Im going to give this one a shot. I'll let you know how it goes.