Adventures in Gluten (and Sugar) Freedom from a southern blogger chick!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

An Ode to Silver Queen Corn

I am going to turn into an ear of Silver Queen Corn.

Last Thursday, on our way to World Golf Village, we found a great in-the-sticks produce stand in Hastings, Florida. You know how I love a good produce stand...

Well, their specialty, grown in the back 40 acres, was Silver Queen Corn. Now, I don't know if you know Silver Queen, but it is the ultra sweet, pearly white corn that makes its annual debut (around here, at least) in early to mid June.

I used to go to a farm in Eatonton every year and buy 100 ears, and I'd put the corn up in the freezer as whole ears or creamed corn. I miss that, and I sure did enjoy the ears we bought.

We have had corn four times over the last six days, and now, sadly, we're out of corn.

But it sure was good! This stand also had great tomatoes, green beans, and fresh local blueberries.

Be on the lookout for some fresh Silver Queen at your local produce stand. It might cost a little more, but it is worth it.

Delicious! Delicious! Delicious!

Much corny crunchy love,


Bill said...

There aren't too many things better than a good ol' produce stand.

Happy Summer!

a kelly said...

You have such a way with food words!
Corny crunch love indeed!

We have to wait till july for local corn. And last year I was too early on the GF diet (like you and quinoa) and corn gave me a problem. I have high hopes for this season!

And did you blanch the corn before you froze it?? (Canadian corny crunch question)